TAG: Athanasius

From the Archives: 4 Reasons the Trinity is Essential to Christian Belief

The Trinity is often identified as a divisive Christian doctrine. Some see it as needless or unimportant in the grand scheme of faith. Some see it as illogical and/or unbiblical. I’m going to say from the beginning of this essay… I think the Trinity is not only essential to the Christian faith, it is foundational to our very paradigm of God and every other doctrine of the Christian faith is affected by how much we consider the Trinity behind the processing of that particular doctrine. I’m not going to attempt to untangle the Trinity as a doctrine or demonstrate why it’s “biblical.”1I’d rather let more educated people do that for me (such as my pal Kenneth Myers in his book The Trinity Untangled Rather, what I’d like to do is show you four reasons the Trinity affects our paradigm of the world and God as Christians.

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1. I’d rather let more educated people do that for me (such as my pal Kenneth Myers in his book The Trinity Untangled
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