AUTHOR: Arni Zachariassen

From the Archives: Why I Pray the Lord’s Prayer

I don’t think I ever prayed the Lord’s Prayer until I was in my twenties.

I grew up in a church environment that wasn’t only non-liturgical, but was so self-consciously and deliberately. I won’t bore you too much with the details, but to a notable degree the Plymouth Brethren free church I grew up in developed and maintained its identity in more or less conscious opposition to the established Lutheran church across the road. What they did, we didn’t do.

Liturgy was one of the things we didn’t do. Liturgy, and the Lord’s Prayer. Thinking back over my almost 30 years in that church, I can only remember hearing the Lord’s Prayer recited once. And that guy was rebuked immediately after the service.

The Lord’s prayer was not something to recite; it was a pattern to be emulated and creatively employed. Every prayer should touch all the bases laid out in the Lord’s prayer: Praise, supplication, confession, and so on. Actually reciting it would go against what Jesus intended by teaching us the prayer. Recitation was empty words. Being Spirit-led meant being spontaneous and authentic. And unlike those Lutherans, we were Spirit-led.

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